
Project Country Organisation
Implementation of the ICT Master Plan Bolivia Universidad Mayor de San Andr_s
Short Course Program in Distance Training Bolivia Universidad Mayor de San Andr_s
Broader Training for Better Policies: The Expanded Role of ICT in Social Analysis Discussion and Institutional Dialouge Bolivia Fundacion “”ARU””
ICT to Enclose Knowledge Between Professors and Students in Faculty of Technology Bolivia Research Institute of Technological Applications
Implementation of E-learning for UMSA-Computer Science Career Bolivia UMSA-Carrera de Informatica
The Internet as a tool for training and education of adolescents and young liberating Bolivia Center of Studies and Support to the Local Devel
To train Co Workers with ICT tools that can support tem to conceptualize, develop and the diffusion of awareness campaigns of the Sexual and Reproductiove Rights__ Bolivia Colectivo Decide
Virtual Training School for Development and International Cooperation Bolivia Center of Studies and Support for Local Developm
Strenghtening the use of new technologies in educational processes for human rights training Bolivia Construir Foundation
English Language and Computer Course Bolivia Red Paz Integracion Y Desarrollo
Reducing technological gaps for the integral development of children Bolivia SOS Children’s villages