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- Hallberg, D., Hansson, H., & Nilsson, A. G. (2016). Integration and lifelong learning : immigrant women’s reasoning and use of information and technologies in lifelong learning. – International Journal of Media, Technology and Lifelong Learning, 12(1), 67–78.
- Muianga, X., Byungura, J. C., Hansson, H., Colombage, R. P., & Mutimucuio, I. (2016). Blended learning systems in tertiary education: A comparative analysis of two universities from Rwanda and Mozambique. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016 (pp. 1006–1015). Washington, DC, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
- Byungura, J. C., Hansson, H., Mazimpaka, O., & Thashmee, K. (2016). Exploring teacher adoption and use of an upgraded eLearning platform for ICT capacity building at University of Rwanda. 2016 IST-Africa Week Conference.
- Aghaee, N., Byron Jobe, W., Karunaratne, T., Smedberg, Å., Hansson, H., & Tedre, M. (2016). Interaction Gaps in PhD Education and ICT as a Way Forward: Results from a Study in Sweden. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(3).
- Jean Claude, Hansson, H., Masengesho, K., & Karunaratne, T. (2016). ICT Capacity Building: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Rwandan Policies from Higher Education Perspective. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 19(2). Retrieved from
- Hallberg, D., Hansson, H., & Anders G., N. (2016). Immigrant Women’s Reasoning and Use of Information and Communications Technology in Lifelong Learning. Media, Technology and Lifelong Learning, 12(1), 66–78.
- Hansen, P., & Hansson, H. (2015). Optimizing student and supervisor interaction during the SciPro thesis process – concepts and design. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 9412, pp. 245–250).
- Byungura, J. C., Hansson, H., & Karunarathne, T. (2015). User perceptions on relevance of a learning Management system: an evaluation of behavioral Intention and usage of Scipro system at university of RwandaNo Title. In Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2015 Annual Conference (pp. 548–562). Barcelona.
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- Hallberg, D., Hansson, H., & Nilsson, A. G. (2015). Immigrant Women’s Reasoning and Use of Information and Communications Technology in Lifelong Learning. Media, Technology and Lifelong Learning, 1–15.
- Hansen, P., & Hansson, H. (2015). Optimizing student and supervisor interaction during the SciPro thesis process – Concepts and design. In The 14th International Conference on Web-based Learning ICWL 2015. Guangzhou, China.
- Peiris, R., Hansson, H., Hewagamage, K., & Wikramanayake, G. N. (2014). A Study of Information Requirement Matrix for an Effective Higher Education Thesis Supervision Process. In International Association for Technology, Education and Development. International Association for Technology, Education and Development.
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- Hansson, H., Moberg, J., & Peiris, R. (2014). SciPro Matching: ICT Support to Start a Quality Thesis. International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, 7(3), 1–10.
- Hallberg, D., Hansson, H., & Nilsson, A. G. (2014). Constrains of ICT in Lifelong Learning on Disadvantaged Women. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 61(8), 1–14.
- Hallberg, D., Hansson, H., & Nilsson, A. (2014). Constraints of ICT in lifelong learning on disadvantaged women. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 61(8), 1–14. Retrieved from
- Aghaee, N., Hansson, H., Tedre, M., & Drougge, U. (2014). Learners’ Perceptions on the Structure and Usefulness of e-Resources for the Thesis Courses. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 17(1), 154–171.
- Muhoza, O. U., Tedre, M., Aghaee, N., & Hansson, H. (2014). Viewpoints to ICT Practices and Hindrances in Tanzanian Secondary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges : focus on Classroom Teachers. In International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE), 2014 : proceedings (pp. 133–140).
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- Bohman, S., Hansson, H., & Mobini, P. (2014). Online participation in higher Education Decision-Making: A mixed-methods study of the MyUniversity EU project. eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 6(3), 267–285.
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- Mobini, P., & Hansson, H. (2014). E-participation in higher education – The importance of non-technical factors as identified in the EU-project MyUniversity. In The 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference. Madrid, Spain.
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- Muianga, X., Hansson, H., Nilsson, A. G., & Moundale, A. (2013). ICT in Education in Africa – Myth or Reality: A Case Study of Mozambican Higher Education Institutions. The African Journal of Information Systems, 5(3), 106–117.
- Peiris, R., Hansson, H., Hewagamage, K., & Wickramanayake, G. (2013). Assessment Theory and Practice in Thesis Supervision: A Study of Information and Communication Technology Enabled System (Scipro) for Effective Evaluation. In M. F. Paulsen & András Szűcs (Eds.), EDEN 2013 ANNUAL Conference, The Joy of Learning Enhancing Learning Experience Improving Learning Quality (pp. 603–614). Oslo , Norway: European Distance and E-Learning Network. Retrieved from
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- Kigozi, E. K., Vesisenaho, M., Hansson, H., Tusbira, F. ., & Danielson, M. (2012). Modelling a Peer Assignment Review Process for Collaborative E-learning. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 11(2), 67–79.
- Kigozi, E. K., Vesisenaho, M., Tusubira, F., Hansson, H., & Danielson, M. (2012). Peer Assignment Review Process For Collaborative E-learning: Is the Student Learning Process Changing? International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3(12), 1–7.
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- Tedre, M., Hansson, H., Mozelius, P., & Lind, S. (2011). Crucial Considerations in One-to-One Computing in Developing Countries. In IST-Africa 2011 Conference Proceedings (pp. 1–11). IIMC International Information Management Corporation.
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- Hansson, H. (2005). Fake Online universities. In EDEN (European Distance Education Network). Annual conference. Helsinki, Finland: Annual conference.
- van de Bunt-Kokhuis, S., Hansson, H., & Toska, J.-A. (2005). The Filter Project. About economic and cultural filtering of online content. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL). Retrieved from
- Hansson, H., & Cross, M. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Swedish – South African Comparisons and Challenges. In EDEN (European Distance Education Network). Annual conference. Helsinki, Finland.
- Hansson, H., & Hall, S. (2005). The Future of Schools from a European Union Perspective: selecting, analyzing and disseminating the most innovative approaches towards the school of tomorrow. Policy Futures in Education, 3(1), 30–37.
- Hansson, H. (2005). ICT and e-learning, the road to hell or paradise? The Need for a Strategic Thinking on Sustainable Digital Environment for e-learning. Open Education Research from Shanghai Radio and TV University, 3.
- Hansson, H., Milhailides, P., & Holmberg, C. (2005). Distance Education and the role of the State: A Swedish/US Perspective. E-Learning, 2(3), 285–298. Retrieved from
- Hansson, H., & Van De Bunt, S. (2004). E–learning and language change — Observations, tendencies and reflections. Firstmonday, 9(8). Retrieved from
- Hansson, H. (2003). The Swedish Education System- a description based on official internet resources. International institute of education.
- Burvall, P., & Hansson, H. (2003). Utvärdering av Arena-projektet, Rapport – EU-projekt. Evaluation of the EU-project “Arena” – rural development and flexible learning. Stockholm, Sweden.
- Hansson, H., & Odero, J. (2003). Two Internet Based Speech Tools: Audioforum – asynchronous speech dialogues, FLUENT – a speech pronunciation tool for language learning. In World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2003 (pp. 2175–2176). Norfolk: AACE. Retrieved from
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- Hansson, H., & & Holmberg, C. (2003). A European and Swedish perspective on ICT – policies and strategies in education. National and institutional pathways: crossings, blind alleys and uphill slopes. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2(2), 86–90. Retrieved from
- Hansson, H., & Odero, J. (2003). E-learning in higher education: A Swedish South – African comparative study, South Africa field trip 24th August – 7th September 2003. SIDA – Institute of International Education. Stockholm, Sweden.
- Hansson, H. (2003). ICT policy and research news. Sweden: ITiS, (IT i skolan – IT in School. In European Experts Network for Education and Technology. Retrieved from
- Hansson, H. (2002). ITiS – The Swedish National ICT-project for schools. The EU-project E-watch, Brussels, Belgium. In The EU-project E-watch. Brussels, Belgium.
- Hansson, H. (2002). Kommunikationens vägar. In B. Andersson (Ed.), Kommunikation! En bok till Lillian Ström (pp. 13–45). VIS-akademin.
- Hansson, H. (2001). Reflections on the IST-project: NEMO. Non-Excluding Models for Web-based education. Report. Stockholm, Sweden.
- Brantberg, K., Fransson, P.-A., Hansson, H., & Rosenhall, U. (1999). Measures of the binaural interaction component in human auditory brainstem response using objective detection criteria. Scand Audiol, 28, 15–26.
- Brantberg, K., Hansson, H., Fransson, P.-A., & Rosenhall, U. (1999). The Binaural Interaction Component in Human ABR Is Stable within the 0- to 1-ms Range of Interaural Time Differences. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 4(2), 88–94.
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- Hansson, H. (1998). Audionomutbildningen i Stockholm 1998. Audionomen, 2.
- Hansson, H., Leijon, A. ., Jönsson, A., Lindqvist, M., & Hutchins, T. (1998). Utvärdering av distanskurs i Signalteori för hörselrehabilitering [Distance education: Evaluation of a distance course for hearing rehabilitation]. Stockholm , Sweden: DUKOM (52 general conclusions for design of distance education are drawn from data). In Swedish.
- Andersson, B., & Hansson, H. (1998). Döva i kulturellt perspektiv : en internationell och historisk studie [The deaf in a cultural perspective. An international and historical study]. Västanviks Resurs- och Utvecklingscenter -(Based on questionnaires in English, French and Spanish sent to all deaf organisations in the world, and extensive literature research).
- McAllister, R., & and Hansson, H. (1997). The perception of speakers emotions by hard of hearing children and adolescents. Fon 97.
- Brantberg, K., Hansson, H., & Rosenhall, U. (1996). ABR med interaural tidsdifferens kan användas för påvisande av binaural interaktion. Svensk Medicinsk Audiologisk Förening, 7.
- Hansson, H., & Andersson, B. (1996). Hörselsinnet i historien. In B. Andersson & Å. Hammar. (Eds.), När hände vad i dövas historia : ett kulturhistoriskt kalendarium (pp. 86–93). SIH-läromedel.
- Hansson, H., & Rydeberg, E. (1995). Audionomi – Vad är det? SMAFtonbladet – Elektronisk Tidning För Medicinsk-Audiologi.
- Andersson, B., & Hansson, H. (1995). Upplysningstidens Frankrike – första teckenspråksskolan för döva. Nordisk Tidskrift För Dövundervisningen, 4.
- Hansson, H., & Andersson, B. (1995). Hörselsinnet i historien. Läkartidningen, 92, 51–52.
- Hansson, H., & Rydeberg, E. (1995). Audionomi – Vad är det? Audionomen.
- Andersson, B., & Hansson, H. (1995). Studieresa till Europa gav döva nya möjligheter. Nordisk Tidskrift För Dövundervisningen, 4.
- Hansson, H., & Sethfors, S. (1995). Demens och hörselnedsättning kan sammanblandas. Arbetsterapeuten, 1, 10–11.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Barndomshörselskadad åtta års helvete. Audionomen, 4.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Ljud, oljud och tystnad. Allt Om Hjälpmedel, 3.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Aktuell forskare: Henrik Hansson. Omvårdaren, 2.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Ett starkt gult ljud. Audionomen, 2, 16.
- Hansson, H., & Sethfors, S. (1994). Polsk hörselvård i förvandling. Audionytt, 3.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Medicinhistoria om sinnena och tekniken som ersatte dem. Läkartidningen, 91(44), 4028.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Ung och hörselskadad. Omvårdaren, 1.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Ljudreservat önskas. Audionytt, 3.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Dövhet på ett öra kräver strategier. Handikapp-Forskning Pågår, 4.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Disability, Liberation and Development. Omvårdaren, (5–6).
- Hansson, H. (1994). Våra sinnen i historisk och kulturell belysning. Läkartidningen, 91(34), 2987.
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- Hansson, H. (1994). Beror dyslexi på hörselrubbningar? Omvårdaren, 2.
- Hansson, H. (1994). Bortom våra sinnens bruk. Omvårdaren, 4.
- Hansson, H. (1993). Monauralt Döva. Audiologiska, socialpsykologiska och existentiella aspekter [Audiological, social psychological and existential aspects]. 1993. Department of Education, Stockholm University (Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, and social science and natural science theory).
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